Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nothing but the Blood of Jesus

A couple Sundays ago on December 4th, Samuel, followed Christ in baptism!

About a month ago our pastor approached us and told us our church was going to be having a baptism service. He was well aware that Samuel and Joseph both had accepted Christ and wanted to talk with us about them being baptized.

Having our children be baptized at such young ages was quite foreign to us. Neither one of us were baptized before the age of 18 and we weren't quite sure what was appropriate. So, we searched the Scriptures and dove into the topic and then we talked with some people we respected spiritually to hear their thoughts. We came away from all of that with the understanding that in Scripture as their first step of obedience to God people were baptized soon after they became believers, no matter their age.

So, when Andy took Samuel on a walk to discuss his thoughts on baptism, he immediately said he wanted to do it and asked Andy if he would baptize him! Knowing that this is his first real act of obedience to God after salvation he had no hesitations. Joseph said he wasn't ready.

Sam and Andy with our pastors Bill and Kyle
We truly believed that no matter what we felt about the timing of it all, that this was Samuel's act of obedience to God and that we were to not stand in the way if he decided that the timing was right. This is just one of many steps for us to stand aside and watch his faith mature.
Forgot to get a picture of just the two of them, so this is right before bed.
The service was beautiful. We had it at a local baptist church nearby since our church meets at an elementary school. There were only 2 people being baptized, Samuel and a 30 something year old man and over 70 people from our congregation were there! We sang some of my favorite hymns: 'Nothing but The Blood of Jesus', 'Before the Throne of God Above' and 'Jesus Paid It All'. Andy did in fact baptize Samuel.

Nothing but the Blood
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

This kid is fearless when it comes to evangelizing. We are never surprised anymore when he senses the need to share his faith with others. When we asked him recently why he boldly told someone that when he died he was going to live forever with God in heaven, he said "So that they could become a christian and live in heaven forever, too!" Yes sir, Samuel, that is exactly why we share the good news!
Such a glorious event to celebrate during a season when my flesh is tempted to be convinced that Satan is winning more battles than God. The battle over Samuel's heart has been won, praise be to God!

1 comment:

glenna said...

i praise the Lord that your children have praying and obedient parents. i am so happy that samuel was obedient to the Holy Spirit's call. we feel time is getting short and to deny a child's Spirit-led desire to follow Christ would be a scary situation. thank you for being sensitive to samuel's need and to the Spirit who is within us. glenna <><

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