Monday, March 2, 2009

Homemade Laundry Detergent

I've had several requests for our homemade laundry detergent recipe.
Powdered Laundry Detergent

1 Cup Grated Fels Naptha Soap
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax

For light load, use 1 tablespoon.
For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 tablespoons.
Here is where I found the recipe. There are a few others to try as well on that site. Happy savings!!!


Anonymous said...

"Here is the link that I found it at."

You have been issued a ticket by the "Grammar Police". Your sentence contains a dangling participle. Please correct this error.

Amy said...

Tough audience.

I have no idea if this is a joke or not, but I went ahead and changed it for the sake of the 'grammar police.' :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, this is funny ... the grammar police. Where did they come from? Where did they get your blog at? (hee, hee)

Amy -- just wondering where you get Naptha Soap and Borax? I've been wanting to do my own detergent but don't typically have those items on my grocery list. Have you found it to be just as effective? Are those substances all natural?

Amy said...

Sara - I honestly don't know if they are 'all natural' because it doesn't say it on the packaging, but they are CHEAP!!! So that's a huge plus. It definitely works just as well as other detergents. I have had no problems, even washing cloth diapers it has worked great. Hope that helps.

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