Thursday, October 11, 2012

Princess Annabelle

Gigi and GranRan came for a couple days for some backup so I could start attacking my ever increasing list of things I want to get done before the delivery. One day they took the kids to the toy store and Annabelle came home with her first princess wand! I hear the boys were trying to convince her to get all these random boy toys, but she was sure this is what she wanted. A true girlie girl.
While they were all out, I was upstairs organizing all of the girls' clothes. She's had this skirt for a long time that I never ended up putting her in and realized it would be a great dress up skirt. So, just as I was walking down the stairs to put the new skirt in their dress up drawer for her, she came in with this wand. In just seconds she was transformed into a princess. I didn't get a picture with her crown, but you can be assured, she was wearing that too.
The boys had to get into their costumes as well. Joseph was the king since he has a robe and Samuel was a knight to protect the princess. It was all just too cute. Life with both little boys and girls... It just doesn't get any better.

It was such a blessing having some help for a couple of days. My body is encouraging me to slow down in preparation for this birth, but my mind is continuing to whirl with more things to do and life just keeps going at it's normal fast pace. I feel much better now after having gotten all that done.  

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