Saturday, February 23, 2013

MomHeart Conference

Several moms from our church traveled down to Durham, NC to attend a Sally Clarkson conference. It was such a blast. The conference was so uplifting and encouraging. It was really fun to get away and spend such quality time with other like-minded mamas. We were close to a very dear friend of mine who lives in NC. Jennifer graciously drove the 40 minutes to come and see us so we could go out together for dinner during a break in the conference. She hadn't meet Rosemary yet so I was so delighted to introduce them to one another.

A bunch of women at the conference brought our nursing babies and while a handful of us were out in the lobby Sally Clarkson came over to say hello. She asked to get her picture with us. It was very cute.

I left that weekend with my cup so full. I am so blessed to have such sweet friends to live my life with and to share in all of the ups and downs we face in our many roles as women.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, I love this! I'm squinty eyed from smiling so big! I'm so thankful for the time we had together. You are such a blessing in my life! <3

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