Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rosemary's Dedication

We had a child dedication service at our church on Mother's Day where Rosemary and others were dedicated. I thought it was quite fitting to have the dedication on Mother's Day.

These are the words we had shared during her dedication:
Rosemary's first name is a combination of three of her great-grandmothers' names.  Also, the herb Rosemary is a symbol of remembrance.  We chose Grace as her middle name because we want to continually remember the grace God has shown us specifically over the past couple of years.  
Prayers for Rosemary:
That faith will find root and grow in her heart.
That she will delight herself in God and in His Word.
That she will find her identity in Christ.
That she will desire to do God's will.
That she will wholeheartedly embrace her role as a woman.
That she will be wise and discerning.
That she will be bold and courageous.
That she will store up for herself treasures in heaven.

We are so thankful for the blessing of Rosemary and the joy she brings to our lives, but also are well aware of the challenging task of raising her in a fallen world.

We have encountered people that do not believe we should be welcoming children into this world, as broken as it is. We disagree. As believers, we are called to be salt and light in this dark world. We are convinced that one major way we have been called to influence our world is through the children we raise, who we pray that one day will go out and impact their world for the kingdom of God.

This hymn sums up my thoughts on this topic well:

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

 Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.


It was wonderful to have Oma and Papa Bear come to celebrate with us.





Lora said...

so precious, amy! i love that first part with the things you are praying for for rosemary. so beautifully put!

Heather Miller said...

Praise the Lord!! Amy, this is just beautiful.

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