Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday, Samuel!

It's crazy how much I love this kid! He is just like his daddy, which is probably why! He is turning into such a young man. I look at these pictures and I have a hard time imagining him when he was a toddler.

Andy went to get some Carpe Donuts for him for breakfast. A company that makes donuts with organic ingredients. They were fantastic! The birthday boy was quite pleased with daddy's choice.

He couldn't decide between a Spiderman party and a pig party. I think it just goes to show this phase he's at in life. Still one foot in the young kid world and one foot in the big kid world. I decided to give him one of both. Spiderman on his actually birthday and then wait to have his pig party with Gigi and GranRan when they came to visit a couple days later.

Same shot, just cropped.

We got him a bow and arrow.

All ready to pop his birthday balloons.

Playing on his new slip and slide he got from Oma and Papa Bear.

I have messed up more times that I could possibly count raising this boy, but he is so forgiving and gracious to me. First borns really take one for the team. Despite my failures, he is thriving, loves deeply, has a joyful spirit an awesome sense of humor and most importantly yearns to know God deeper each day. I could not ask for more. My heart overflows!

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