Sunday, March 7, 2010

90th Percentile?!?

Joseph had his two year check up. In 2 years he has gone from being well below the 5th percentile to the 5th, the 15th, the 25th, the 50th, the 75th and now he is in the 90th percentile for his head circumference, his weight and his height for his age.


Our child? Are you serious?

Where does this kid come from?!?

It just makes us laugh to think that when you double a kid's height at age 2, you most likely get their full height as an adult. That would measure out to making Joseph be 5'11" when he's full grown!

I'm 5'1" and Andy is 5'5 3/4"

God is so creative, isn't he?

When Joseph was less than a year old our doctor was literally encouraging us to add olive oil to his food because he was worried he was a little too underweight. He's in utter disbelief when he sees Joseph now. Boy, what a year can do!

And as it looks, Annabelle is getting a head start on Joseph. She's been measuring 2 1/2 weeks larger than normal. We have an ultrasound on the 15th to see what's going on in there. If you think of it, please pray that there are no complications with her and that she is just bigger than normal (but not too big).

Samuel was 7lbs at birth, Joseph was 8lbs. I can't go much bigger. But it sure looks like Annabelle is going to test that out.

Is this what I have to look forward to for the rest of my life having a girl?

(Hopefully) less than 100 days till she comes. We are at exactly 26 weeks completed today. Which means 98 more days till her 'due date'. How exciting!!!


Penny Lane said...

And to think you were told you couldn't birth bigger than 7 pounds!

My children start out the other way, huge and chubby (accused of allowing them too much time at the breast) and then they get scrawny like their Dad. I trust the Lord knows the final outcome and wants to pack on some nutrients early.

Blessings to you!!

Lora said...

Joseph weighed 9 lbs, 14 oz when he was born, and his birth was by far the easiest for me! I only pushed for about 5 minutes!! and the entire labor was 2 hours long. so bigger can definitely be better in my opinion! :)

The Kids

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