Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Collecting More Blankets *EDITED*

Due to our shortened deadline last month, I know some of you were not able to send me your blankets in time. I've already recieved a few, but I know there are still some of you out there that wanted to bless some children with blankets.

We have a friend traveling to Uganda between Christmas and New Years and will be loving on some orphans while she's there. We want to send some blankets with her. Mail them to me as soon as you can and she will be able to pass them out to comfort lots of Ugandan babies at the end of this month.

I need the blankets by December 13th!

Thanks so much!


Abbi said...

Oh good! We were feeling bad that we had missed out when I saw you post that you had already sent them. We will try to get them off this week!


Kim said...

I will have five (from the high school design class) to give you this weekend!

Amy said...

WOOOHOOO! So exciting!

The Kids

Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers