Friday, December 24, 2010

The Perfect Christmas

Being such a young family, we are still forming our traditions. This Christmas season has found me reflecting on what I want our family to cherish and what we will want to make as staples during our celebrations. There are some traditions I'd love to keep, but others that are just filled with a keeping-up-with-the-Jonses mentality.

Unlike other years, this year, the food is not all bought, the presents not wrapped, the house not cleaned, the birthday cake not made... and I am totally okay with that. I'm coming to the realization that this holiday is not about me. It's not about how many handmade gifts I can make, how nicely I decorated our home, or how tasty our feast is.

This year I am keeping it extremely simple and instead of using the time running around trying to make for a perfect Christmas, I am desperately trying to not let the things yet to be done consume my focus.

What is important, is what's already been accomplished!

God sent his Son into the world, born of a virgin, to save the world. We are to be resting and celebrating in that truth. The creator of the universe is pursuing our hearts. He is calling us to himself.

So, we'll be shooting for a perfect Christmas this year of a different nature. A Christmas where we gather those little treasures pictured above, snuggle them up, and as a family answer the call of Christ to come and rest at the Father's feet. We will reflect on how his birth should impact our lives and how we will teach that to these precious children he has loaned to us.

And how could it not be a perfect Christmas, when we have this little cherubim to celebrate it with?

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