Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February Happenings

Since the first of the year, I've picked back up the habit of keeping a daily journal and also have been writing more in the kids' notebooks. So, the time I would have been able to blog is now being dedicated to writing elsewhere.

I will try and remain faithful, though, to post what photos I have been taking lately, but I apologize for the increasingly dull blog!

Here is my attempt at capturing our month of February:

Even though they are boys, they love having tea parties!

Still toothless!

We rearranged the playroom so it feels more like a classroom and now they have a reading cave, as they call it.

Children's museum visit, Sam found a kangaroo outfit and he thought it was the coolest! Still has his baby kangaroo obsession.

She found my fabric stash under the boys' beds. Look at that smile. I think she's already a natural lover of fabric!

Another birthday crown for a friend. I'm loving making these!

And I'm REALLY enjoying making these!

Spring fever.. I'm rearranging rooms left and right.

The boys are learning to sew by sewing new pillows for their cave.

Sword fights

The boys are learning to take pictures. They are actually really good!

Aunt Julie and Patrick came for a visit.

The name 'School Bus School' seems to have dropped out of view, but whatever it's called, it's going well!

We had another round of sicknesses.

To be continued...

1 comment:

Lora said...

wonderful pictures, amy! so glad to see your beautiful kiddos. you are such a great mommy! :)

The Kids

Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers