Monday, March 14, 2011


Our sweet Joseph is now three years old!

He has grown into such an amazing little boy. We have enjoyed so much these last 3 years with him and are amazed at what life he brings to our family. I imagine he is the spunkiest kiddo God ever created. He is a true character! As wild and crazy as he is, he's got a heart of gold and an endless supply of love waiting to bestow on anyone he encounters.

To celebrate we first went to Gigi and GranRan's. The theme at Gigi's was firemen! He got all the fireman paraphernalia imaginable and then got to visit a firehouse!

Here they are with Mr. Chris. The fireman who took them on the tour.

Gigi made Joseph this jacket. She did such a fabulous job. He's totally obsessed with it.

Birthday boy waiting for his feast of macaroni and cheese and hot dogs :)

The boys got into Daddy's old costumes.

Gigi and her granddaughter! She got her this owl outfit for Christmas. Isn't it the most adorable thing?

Then were able to celebrate with our community group on Joe's actual birthday. Here he is with Miss Kim who made him this castle cake! Amazing, isn't it?!

The cake was to go with the kings robe I made him.

We praise God for the blessing of Joseph!


Kim said...

You gotta love a three year old! I also think it's perfect that the king is not wearing pants while wearing his robe- truly the king of his castle!

Amy said...

I know! I thought that was hiliarious. Apparently that is the only one I've taken of him wearing it so far.

Thanks again for all the hard work you did on his cake. It made his birthday so special. We love you dearly, friend!

The Kids

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