Monday, October 10, 2011

Medical Mysteries

We have had some health issues with Joseph lately and went and got some blood work done. He got so light headed and pale he just about passed out. I knew nothing other than to take him to our favorite bakery and get him a chocolate cookie. Or maybe I just wanted to take advantage of getting one last cookie for myself for awhile. He was thrilled, no matter what the reason.

By the time we were home he was off to play with Gigi who was visiting and tell her all about how brave he was. Me on the other hand took about an hour to calm down. I despise hospitals.
The blood work has come back and his levels are fantastic. The highest level of vitamin D they've seen. But, just as I has suspected, he did not in fact have the chicken pox. I have no idea what he had, but for some reason in the back of my mind I was never positive that's what they were. So, the mystery is still out for both things.

Our next step to try and figure this out is to get back to eating only the foods we know are good for our bodies. Over a period of time we've slowly let some unhealthy foods creep back into our diet for various reasons, so this was just another motivation to focus more on what we eat. It's only been a week or so, but so far no throwing up and already improvements in other areas we were hoping to see change.

Trying to find a good balance between eating the most nutritiously and not letting it become an idol is always a challenge, but when you consider how important food truly is to your entire being, it's worth the fight.


glenna said...

I am praying for Joseph right now....I also have two grandkids that have stomach/eating issues right now.

Amy said...

Thanks, Glenna!

Jennifer said...

Oh, no! I'm so sorry Joe-Joe has been struggling with that! Praying you get some answers and that he returns to full health very, very soon! Our neighbor went through that only to discover is was a wheat intolerance. Love!

Amy said...

I'm making sure that we're milling all our wheat because that definitely helps with wheat intolerance, but it's hard to keep up with that. zi normally mill most of it, but not all. We shall see if that helps. He doesn't throw up a super often, but if I can at all help him do it less, I want to. Thanks for the prayers!

Amy said...

Just to clarify, we don't actually think it's a wheat intolerance, but we're being caution in that area as well just to see. I actually think it has something to do with dairy, so he's on various other kinds of milk for now.

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