Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rough Going

For a week or so we had so many ailments I'm having a hard time remembering them all.

Joseph got a bug, and then a cold.

Samuel had a cold and then fell out of his bed for about the 3rd time in his life. The first time he fell out was soon after he got into a twin bed and he broke his collar bone. This time he sliced his eyelid open and woke up with a black eye. The strange thing is his bed is not far off the ground at all. He's such a hard sleeper and apparently still has a difficulty with his spatial awareness when he sleeps. Poor Samoo.

Annabelle had a cold and UTI. I was reading to her one afternoon and nursing Rosemary and then looked over and this is what I found. She's sleeping. Haha.

I had a cold, too. I'm sure there's more, but that's all I can remember. It never was overwhelming from day to day but when I looked back on the week and thought about it all, it sure was a full week of sickness. Such is life with many littles.

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