Saturday, November 23, 2013

Random Thoughts

I've been compiling a list of random thoughts that don't have any pictures associated with them so haven't ever been blogged about. Here's the list.

Horton Hears a Who - I was never a big Dr. Seuss reader when I was a kid, so reading all of the Dr. Seuss books now with the kids is quite new to me. I just loved the book, Horton Hears a Who. "A person's a person, no matter how small." What an excellent way to express the support of life in all it's stages.

Baby Bird - One day we were studying birds and  I was short on dinner ideas. I made some rice and beans and tried to pull it off that we were going to eat like birds that night. The rice would be the worms and the beans the bugs. They totally bought it! It didn't even have sauce or cheese. I feed them all their dinner just like Mama birds do and they flew around the house and then would come back to me when their mouths were empty. It was a blast. Well, every time Annabelle doesn't enjoy a dinner and is having a hard time eating it, she asks to play baby bird!

Question Time - As a way of building communication with our kids and giving them opportunities to share their thoughts on different things, we came up with the Question Game. Someone asks a question to the whole family about something and then everyone has to answer. It cannot be a yes or no answer. It has been so much fun! I have learned so much from my children and Andy that I did not know. It's also been neat to see what they want to know about us, too. Many times a day it is asked "Can we do question time?"

Parts of Rosemary That are Fat Game - The kids came up with this game. Someone starts first and then everyone goes around and around naming the different parts of Rosie that are fat! Hahaha! It's quite hilarious. I'm well aware that this won't be able to continue forever, but for now it's adorable.

Rosemary's list of nicknames is hilarious... I wouldn't have expected anything less from our family. Daddy is most often the initiator of the names and this time it is no exception. It started with calling her "Rose Puppy" and then it morphed into "Rose Pappy" then that was expanded into "Pappy Lee Lau from the South" and now it's stuck! How ridiculous!

The kids think Rosie's favorite color is white since milk is white. They choose the color white for her whenever there is that option and we joke that she doesn't understand when things don't come in the color white.

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