Friday, May 4, 2007


We've avoided writing this post since Sunday, but I just want to get it over with... There's no easy way to form these words.

As Andy wrote awhile back, we have felt the call to missions more and more heavily the past year. Well, one of our biggest worries has been what is going to happen to our animals if we are called to a place they are not welcome. This has been a serious issue with us, since we are such avid animal lovers. The Lord has really used this whole missions issue to help us realize what we are placing as modern day idols in our lives. Last Wednesday Andy and I went on our bi-weekly hike and were praying that the Lord would give us peace about the situation with our animals, and that if he calls us to missions that we trust he will have something good in store for them. We recommitted them back to him, acknowledging that these animals are not our own, but they have just been loaned to us to steward for the Lord. Our hearts were truly changed that night as we headed out of the woods. We had a fresh outlook on God's calling for us, and a peace that he had our best interest in mind. Little did we know what was to become of it.

Just 4 nights later Lutalo was hit by a car, and taken from us. Gamba was also hit, but is going to make a 100% recovery! Praise the Lord! We fought so hard as to why this happened, and what good could have possibly come out of this. Anger was definitely an emotion we were battling. We love these animals more than most people we know!!! And, that is what we believe the Lord is going to teach us through this.

When you are seeking God with all you have, he is going to bring to the surface issues you must overcome before he can use you in mighty ways. We are starting to believe that one of our issues is our overwhelming love for our animals is hindering our eagerness to possibly go where God is calling us. Once we recommitted these animals to him and reminded ourselves that they are God's creatures and not ours, we thought that was all that was going to happen. God sometimes wants us to offer him up something that we have been making an idol, and sometimes he gives it right back. He just wanted to know we were willing to give it up. Well, in Lutalo's situation, we gave him Lutalo, and he took him back! NOT what we expected or wanted.

But, this has been quite a learning experience. We feel like we are on the brink of something big in our lives, and the Lord has our undivided attention! As much as we love our animals, we do not want them to stand in the way of serving him and doing the work he has called us to do. When we commit something to him, we better be ready to back it up!

Since that night, things have been falling into place. We have a new apartment we are moving into that we are super excited about. It is on 75 acres of land that some honey farmers own. They have a Christmas tree farm on the property as well. It is in the country and away from traffic! I will also be working for them to offset the cost of our rent. I have always wanted a part time job where I can have Samuel with me, and have held out hope that it does exist, and here it is! We are excited to see what else the Lord has in store for us, because one thing we are certain of is that you cannot outgive God.

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8


Alana said...

i know it is very hard to loose pets. i cried all day when our hamster died. :) i love animals too! (especially dogs)i am glad to hear how father is working in your lives esp in regard to this area. amy, i'm also glad you got some girl time in. i think it is so important and a treasure to have close girl friends. thanks again for contacting me and helping me get our blog set up.

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

Amy, I am so excited to hear more about where God is leading you guys. God did something similar, though, with two cats I had. One got hit by a car and the other ran off because he missed the other one so much. It was just before God began our path to go to France. We did get another cat so our youngest kids wouldn't be so afraid of animals, but I am not so attached this time.

Anonymous said...

Amy & Andy, Robbie emailed me your tragic news, knowing I have just lost my beloved Solomon, she thought I'd have some "words of wisdom"...I share in your pain/sorrow and sympathize with your loss. God has great plans for you all, praise to Lutalo and his time in your family!! He'll be greatly missed and thought of often! Love you, guys! Katherine

Alana said...

i just realized that you are "amy and andy"---this is also my sister and her husband's name! (amie and andy!)

Anonymous said...

Amy- i miss you guys and i am sorry for your loss, but congrats on the apartment and the farm! love you lots...xoxo

Unknown said...

Oh goodness! I can't even imagine. I'm glad that you guys have such a good outlook on such a difficult situation. I'm sorry to hear of his death, and I'm praying for you guys! Love you!

Anonymous said...

I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you all so much...especially lately. I am so incredibly sorry about your loss and can not even begin to understand what you all have had to go through. I am truly happy you all have found peace in Lutalo's passing.
It certainly sounds like the Eckert Family is moving towards such great things and I couldn't be happier for you all. Your such a cutie little neat family and you all deserve nothing but great things.
Give Samuel a great big hug for us. We miss you all so very much. I'm here when you feel like talking. xo

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