Sunday, August 3, 2008

Our Big Boy

In Samuel's last few weeks before his second birthday he really started to talk up a storm. It has been so neat to really know what he's been saying and to hear him try and pronounce words. He is becoming quite a big boy!

Here he is mastering eating a soft taco without the ingredients falling out.

Here he is after he took some licks from Gamba's water bowl! We'll ask him if he wants some water and he'll say no, but them immediately go over and drink some from Gamba's bowl. Strange kid.

Playing with Joseph's swing. He crawled in himself and started it up. I think he misses being an infant sometimes.

And here he is helping me make our pizzas one Friday evening. He is seriously getting so good at cooking and baking. He enjoys it so much.

He laid all of the pepperoni out himself. He did such a good job getting it so even. I didn't even think a 2 year old would be able to understand such a concept. I'm just amazed at how smart kids are.

And of course, now here he is in Joseph's exersaucer. He truly missed this thing. He will just get in there and play away.

After a very messy baking session.

Sam being Sam!

I am so in love! Thank the Lord we're not experiencing the terrible twos with him! This has been our absolute favorite age yet! Cannot wait to see what the next year holds.

1 comment:

Alana said...

i love the pic of him rolling out the pizza dough AND the one of him with a bucket on his head--he is so cute!

The Kids

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