Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thankful Thursday

We have not done a 'Thankful Thursday' post in a very long time. It wasn't on purpose. Our days have just been flying by with no real sense of time. I guess that's what you get with 3 small kiddos during the summer :)

But, back by popular demand is a Thankful Thursday post:

~ Andy got an AWESOME new job in Charlottesville! It's been our biggest source of excitement as of late. He starts the 13th and has been home for the past 2 weeks with us. It's been amazing. He has been the School Bus School teacher for that time so I could tackle some projects that I've been wanting to get done but just never have the time. He has done an incredible job being their teacher. More on that later.

~ I had a great birthday! I love birthdays.

~ Annabelle is seriously stealing our hearts and it doesn't look like she's giving them back for quite some time. It's out of control how adorable she is. She is such a sweet girl.
~ We are so thankful for our health! We have been so healthy and have been spared from so many illnesses.

~ Even though they are wild men, the boys are growing up to be such nice gentlemen. It's amazing how much older Samuel acts even from just a couple of months ago. They both show us glimpses of what they will be like when they are older and it's hard to believe how quickly the future seems to be creeping up on us. They are growing too quickly.

~ Our Summer has been filled with family! Even though our families don't live very close, we have had many opportunities to get together with them this summer, it has been wonderful. Annabelle's birth encouraged a lot of visitors, and then there were just several other occasions to see one another. Being together with family is always so precious. Especially, our little couch dweller, Aunt Juju. She's our fav!

~ Our church recently shut down and it's been a really hard season for all of us. The Lord has shown us many things during this season, but the biggest take away for me has been how important people are. 'Stuff' comes and goes. Things break down, food only lasts for so long, houses need repair, kids ruin stuff, etc. But, what has been our foundation is the relationships we have through Jesus Christ. Those relationships have proven to be priceless. Such an awesome feeling to know we are investing not only in temporary things, but in eternity. Keeping an eternal perspective has been the theme of our summer.
~ Wow, looking over that list overwhelms me. God is so faithful. Letting him into our lives, letting him search our hearts and show us how we are unfaithful to Him and then walking along beside us as we try and become more like Christ, is simply amazing.

Have you ever just sat and thought about the fact that the creator of the universe wants to have a relationship with YOU!? That if you were the only person on this earth that he would have died for your sins alone. How could we keep from singing His praise? How amazing is his love! There is absolutely nothing on this earth more worthy of our time than living a life for Christ.
What about YOU? What are you thankful for today?


Lora said...

love your heart, amy!
you look amazing, by the way! that picture of you and your hubby is so good! :) lora

Anonymous said...

Hey, Amy- Love your Thankful Thursday posts! Happy (belated) Birthday!
And, Andy- Congratulations! Can't wait to hear more about the new job!
Hello to the boys and Miss Annabelle!

Sending Love,

marcy said...

Love these pics! Samuel can't get enough of the boys with construction cones on their heads. He said 'where did they get those great cones mommy? We need to play at that playground next time!'

Amy said...

Aren't they hilarious?! It was at Carters Mountain when we were waiting for people to arrive :)

The Kids

Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers