Friday, December 14, 2012

Thoughts for Today

Even though I have not gotten out of my pajamas all day, it has been a very full day - I'm overwhelmed with emotions and since I don't have a personal journal active right now... I'm brain dumping here:

* Andy worked from home today (and yesterday) to give me some much needed relief. So blessed by this man and his willingness to do whatever it takes to take care of me and our children.

* I sent out an email to some friends last night asking for prayer - my inbox today has been overflowing with encouragement from all corners of the country! So blessed to have so many dear friends interceding on our behalf.

* A neighbor brought us some hot pumpkin apple bread. It was so yummy. She has 4 kids of her own, and is constantly blessing our family with baked goods.

* Got some very sad news from a dear friend. My heart is absolutely broken for her trials. I so desperately wish I could do something to relieve her pain. Praying she is reminded how infinitely loved her and her family are by their Creator and praying that they experience only the peace he can bring during such a painful season.

* A friend brought over some cupcakes from a bakery downtown that have apparently put 132 women in town into labor. I've tried just about everything under the sun to stir on labor, but this one is just about the tastiest one I've come across. Praying to be #133.

* I feel great today. First day in a long time that I am not in constant pain when on my feet. Brings much encouragement that if I've got to hold out for a few more days that physically I will be able to.

* A dear friend went grocery shopping for us tonight and brought us 3 healthy meals and some healthy snacks that are easy to prepare. She started a meal for us, brought the baby an adorable hat and then headed off to somewhere else.

* I've complete about 40+ feet of my braided rug. We've estimated that for a 7' x 4' rug I will need approximately 336 feet. So, making good progress! 

* Just completely numb over the events that have happened in CT. Don't even have words to process all that's stirring in my head.

* Humbled at how small my trials seem right now in light of the events of others today around the world. Pain and sorrow happens every day, but it's days like today that really get you thinking about what kind of world we truly live in and how desperately we need a Savior. Praise God he is coming back to redeem our broken world.

* Reminded that tonight, or any night for that matter, might be my last night pregnant, which is quite sad for me. I adore being pregnant. We do not know if this will be our last pregnancy or not, so these last few days have been bittersweet. I don't ever want to wish this season away, but when I'm in so much pain, it's easy to fall into that trap. Having this pregnancy last this long has been a nice reminder to cherish these times, because I might not ever have them again. Pregnancy and birth is such a miracle that many never have the blessing of experiencing.

* It is so easy to get stuck inside your own bubble and get bogged down with all the possible things to complain about, but days like today really shake me up and I'm reminded how so much bigger life is than the little momentary trials I might be facing.

* Annabelle's pregnancy so far has been my longest. 41 weeks and 2 days. Tomorrow this baby will tie the record.

* If this baby turns out to be a boy, which there is a small chance that it will be, we have absolutely no idea what we will name him.

* Would really like to have this precious baby in our arms sooner rather than later, but really am overwhelmed at God's provision during this season. I have experienced some low points of discouragement and pain, but I would have never experienced God in these unique and personal ways had I had the baby a couple of weeks ago.

* Not having family close is really hard. Especially during times like these. But, God has provided completely. I have had friends come over to help with laundry, dishes, dusting, meals, child care, grocery shopping, you name it. Rejoicing in how beautiful community can be and how blessed I am to be a part of such a wonderful body of believers.

* Pending some strange animal resemblance at birth, we've chosen the baby's animal name: Owl.

* Andy has also decided on a nickname for her, besides the obvious ones that will come out of her given name. Shin Lee Lau - it's her Japanese name he says. Everyone apparently needs one of those :)

* I have a lot of thoughts... I need to get back to journaling! Or better yet, just have the baby so I can get off couch rest and be more productive with my time.

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