Friday, April 19, 2013

Gamba Turns 9

I remember it so well. Once I graduated college I was finally able to meet up with Andy in NC where he had already checked in to meet his platoon. He had moved into our home a few weeks prior and was waiting for his bride to arrive. I moved in late one week and the very first Saturday we had together in our home we went in search of our puppies. We wanted two brothers. We came home late that afternoon with the two most adorable puppies we had ever seen. They were 41 days old.

Since then we have lost his precious brother, Lutalo. But Gamba is still with us. We are so happy he is our dog. We could not have asked for a better dog. He is so patient with the kids. He literally lets them walk all over him. He loves to take care of us. He loves to snuggle. He obeys so well. He still acts like a puppy even though his hair is turning gray in places. He fetches like his life depends on it... rarely stopping for a breath. We are just now starting to see him slowing down a bit.

We celebrated this year with making him some dog friendly popcorn balls. He was thrilled.

Our home would not be complete without this dog! He brings so much joy to our lives.

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