Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Great Day Indeed!

I was just really having a hard day one day, very emotional about stuff, overly dramatic, etc. I was mostly disappointed that I had taken a pregnancy test well into the time when it should have shown a positive and it came back negative. I was sure I was pregnant, but oh so let down by the results.

The next morning, I get a delivery of these gorgeous flowers with this note. As I'm discussing with Andy how emotional I've been and how confused I am about stuff, he encouraged me to take another test since he was certain that I was pregnant. And this one came back positive! So, on New Years Eve, we found out that our 5th miracle was growing in our womb. Indeed it was a VERY great day.

Since then I keep this card on my refrigerator and read it each morning and it always gets my morning off to a great start.

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