Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Me, A Natural Childbirth Instructor!

I taught my first class last night and it went great. I of course have a lot to learn and work on, but I felt very comfortable teaching and I felt like I really connected with the class. It was quite intimidating, though. I had a doctor and 2 NP's in the class! It feels great to have gotten my first class under my belt. It will never be that hard to prepare again and at least I know I can do and more importantly I love it. I'm excited for this new journey!

To be eligible to take my final exam I need at least 12 hours of my teaching to be evaluated by an instructor. I didn't have these 2 hours evaluated because I didn't want the added stress, but I think I will have the others recorded so I can start heading in that direction. I have 2 years from last July to finish the program so I'm not in a rush, but I feel a lot more comfortable with the material and it is coming together a lot easier than I thought it would.

In just a month I have had 5 couples express interest in me teaching classes without any advertising that I am ready to teach. It's been a real encouragement to me that not only is there a need for natural childbirth education but that they see me as a legitimate resource. I'm so thankful to be able to use a passion of mine to bless others.

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