Sunday, December 15, 2013

Rosemary Turns One!

Time is a strange thing... days seem to often drag while the years fly. The more the Lord adds to our nest, the quicker the hands on the clock seem to move.

Watching this bundle emerge from the womb and develop into this vibrant, enthusiastic and sweetest little one year old has been a gift.

Joseph put it so well when he said that Christmas comes everyday in our house. I couldn't agree more. Because we have "Posie" as he so affectionately calls her. His love for her is contagious. All of them do. They love her more than themselves. There is nothing more I desire than to have my children know who made and sustains life and to understand it's a gift.

I do a lot of things wrong. A LOT. I am on my knees staring into some baby blues or greens more times than I wish to admit. But, I find grace. Every. Single. Time. They understand grace. And for that I rejoice that I feel like I have already earned my reward.

This parenting thing is getting easier. And harder. I'm learning. I'm growing. They are learning. They are growing. But, we also enter new challenges with every rising of the sun. Each day brings with it it's own opportunities. Opportunities to love deeper, to slow down and truly learn to fully embrace these souls around us, and to learn more about this world we've been placed in.

As I was debating whether or not to make a big deal about Rosie's birthday a friend that has one child that has never been able to conceive again commented... "you never know... this could be your last first birthday celebration".

Those words sunk deep.

NO! Please no, Lord. If it your will, I hope to have many more of those.

But, what if she's right. What if this is my last opportunity to celebrate a fresh and new life?

And with that thought in mind, I decided that no matter where their birthday's fall on the calendar, I would not let a birthday pass without a to-do. Not like I ever have, but the temptation was there being so close to Christmas. Even if it's just our family, we will celebrate BIG. We are to celebrate life as a gift. Not let an opportunity pass us by where we don't rejoice in Him. And that we did.

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