Tuesday, November 20, 2007

New Job - from Andy

I know Amy already posted about my new job, but here it is, from me. This is also my first blog in months. I got discouraged because I never learned how to write short posts. It has always taken me forever to write a post and I just couldn't justify spending so much time on it, so I quit. But now I am going to try to write one post each week, on whatever I think might be good to say.

Anyway, I got a job at the Indiana Employment office, as a Career Counselor. Amy described the basic purpose of my job perfectly. I am enjoying spending my work day helping people directly. I think that is what I like doing best. I've never been a big fan of "customer service", ever since my days as a waiter (only job I've ever been fired from) when drunk people would threaten me with physical abuse if I didn't get them their next beer in two seconds. I don't like dealing with people who whine and complain and think that everyone owes them something. But so far, I haven't seen too much of that in this job. For the most part, the people I have worked with genuinely need the services we offer, and are appreciative of what we can do to help them.

Much of the time, career problems are only the tip of the iceberg. I find myself daily wishing I could do more than just help them with their careers, but there are undoubtedly limits to the type of help that would be appropriate for me to give in my official capacity. Suffice it to say, people need the LORD to intervene in their lives BADLY.

For example, little babies need a mom and a dad who love them unconditionally and are willing to subordinate their material greed and selfish ambition to their child's wellbeing. Instead, I see more parents who view their children as hindrances that require babysitters so mom can "get out of the house and do something" (like a full time job). How about being a good mother to your children? I better not even get started down this road if I want to go to bed tonight.

Anyway, I see things like this on a daily basis that get me really fired up. You could help me by praying that I will channel my indignation into surrender and prayer. I am learning that God is the only one who can do His work in the world. All any of us can do is be willing vessels through which he can operate as he chooses.

More next week.

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