Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Oh, Wow!"

Saturday before the snow really started to come down we went out in our front yard and picked a Christmas tree out. Pretty convenient, I'd say. We got the tree up before Samuel went to bed, but waited until he was sleeping to decorate it. He was so surprised when he woke up Sunday morning to a decorated tree. He's been doing quite well with it. All of the soft non-breakable ornaments are down low and he hasn't taken too many off. I change up the tree a little each year and this year, I made paper snowflakes. He's more interested in those than the ornaments. That's fine by me. I was hoping they would be a good distraction. The good thing is, I don't care if he tears them up, since I won't be using them next year. And as a side note, I had a great time decorating with the snowflakes. They are so cheap to make and can be used to decorate all different things. I will post some more pictures if I end up using them in other places in our home.

I'm not a big Christmastime celebrator. I hate the materialism that comes with Christmas and all the hoopla that comes during the surrounding weeks . I wish we could celebrate Christ's birth without every company trying to make millions off of this event. But, this year having Samuel old enough to enjoy it all, I have found a new joy in this season. Christmastime through a child's eyes is so magical. He gets so excited as we pass homes with Christmas lights and decorations in their yards. His new phrase this season is "oh, wow." He is just mesmerized by each and every Christmas object. My prayer is that some day when he is older, he will truly understand that this season is not about gifts, trees and decorations, but it is about Christ and the miracle of his virgin birth. I hope one day he will say "oh, wow" to that!


Jennifer said...

The snow is beautiful! As you know, we don't get much of that here in NC. Stay warm!

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

I believe he will celebrate Jesus' birthday. It's up to you guys. We don't have a Santa in our house my 4 and 2 yr olds call it Jesus' birthday and have had a great time planning the party we are throwing in Jesus' honor. It seems crazy to outsiders but to our kids Christmas day is Jesus birthday and not anything else.

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

Just wait until they get older. It just gets more and more fun. I loved Christmas time before and I love it even more now. My kids are old enough to read an advent story every night up to Christmas, and love the lights, and get excited about giving to others, and making Christmas cookies and Christmas parties and decorating the tree...Oh it is so much fun!

The Kids

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