Tuesday, December 4, 2007

We Love You Daddy!

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Andy coming home from his deployment and meeting Samuel for the first time. Samuel was 4 and half months old, one day shy of 20 weeks old. It's so hard to believe it's already been a year. That day was so emotional for Andy and I. The day we had prayed for for months had finally arrived. Everything was finally as it should have been all along. I remember that day so vividly. I remember the butterflies I had and the pacing around the house! I felt like it was my wedding night all over again, but this time was better! We were just about to begin our life as a family, not just a couple.

He had missed so much, my last month and a half of pregnancy, Samuel's birth and everything that followed. We mourn that lost time, but know it will never have to happen again. Andy is thrilled beyond words that he has not missed a single day of this pregnancy nor will miss the birth of Joseph. What a blessing! Knowing I will have my best friend there with me during all of this is more than I could ever hope for. We are not taking this gift for granted. We are so thankful that we have been blessed with another child and Andy will be here to experience it all.

Here are some photos from his very first day back last year.

And these are some pictures we had taken the next day for our Christmas cards.
For Andy's welcome home sign I had quilted a sign that said 'WE LOVE YOU DADDY' from Samuel and the dogs. For his anniversary this year, I quilted it into a blanket. And we gave it to him last night as a gift. He was so excited to have the quilt as a representation of such a wonderful day. I will post some close ups of the quilt later, I just haven't taken them yet. And, yes, that's a cell phone in front of Samuel's face. He won't go anywhere without it.

Of course Samuel and Gamba had to stand right in the middle of the quilt every shot I tried to take. And what are those 3 blobs at the bottom right? well those are the boys foot prints. First is Samuel's, then Lutalo's, then Gamba's.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Great quilt! We are celebrating Andy's anniversary with you! Thanks to God for returning him to you safely. I know your family is thrilled to be experiencing this pregnancy and birth all together! What a blessing!

The Kids

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