Friday, October 10, 2008

Joe's 7 1/2 Month Check Up

Joseph had his first visit with his frogatrician in Charlottesville today. We love him! He is very much up our alley. I feel extremely confident in him. Something I've never felt in a doctor, EVER (besides you, Penny!). He even does home visits when the kids are sick. Yay! I about cried tears of joy when I found that out! It was a miracle I was even able to get the boys in as patients because he's so popular. I mean, come on, who wouldn't want a doctor that does home visits!

Joe frog wants to report that he is a very healthy 'little' boy. Emphasis on the little :) He's not quite on the charts for weight but I'm sure you aren't at all surprised. But he's in the 10% for height. He's 26 inches. Go Joe!

The grandmas were convinced he seems longer than Sam was at this age and I'm starting to think they were right. He's 26 inches as of right now (7 1/2 months). I can't find anything off hand that says what Sam was at 7 1/2 months but at one year, Samuel was 29 inches.

Still no hopes for either of them for basketball, but soccer is looking pretty promising.

Joe's tipping the scales at 13 lbs 3 1/2 oz.

And 26 inches long...

God is so good!


Abbi said...

What a blessing to find a doctor that you like. It is wonderful to have healthy children. It sure is interesting how God makes everybody so different, my youngest was 24 inches at birth. Because my children are tall people usually assume they are older than they really are but I know that when you have small kids, people make comments about that too.

Penny Lane said...

Your boys are adorable! I can't believe how fast time flies. Will you send the name of your pediatrician/family practice provider? I'll have to send him a card - a thank-you card for having a real heart for what he does.

Amy said...

Sure thing, Penny!

Alysonsbabybump said...

no names yet we are working on it...its so hard. We had a boy named picked out lol. Joseph is getting so big!
Miss ya sister in christ.

The Kids

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