Monday, June 22, 2009

Temper Tantrum Elbow

A couple weekends ago, I was walking with Joseph somewhere he wasn't interested in going and he dropped to the ground in protest while I was holding his hand. He immediately starting crying and refused to use his arm. Every time we tried to move it he would scream. With a little research we found out that he had Nursemaid Elbow, which is also more appropriately called Temper Tantrum Elbow.

Click HERE to read more about Nursemaid Elbow. It's good to know the facts.

We were out of town but heading back home that night so we called our Pediatrician and he said he would stop over in the morning if it hadn't popped back into place on its own. So that afternoon, night and the next morning he still wasn't using his arm. I called our doctor and he was going to come over at 10am. 9:38ish rolled around and Joseph fell on his elbow and popped it right back into place. It was awesome. We bypassed a large doctors bill and he was immediately healed. Now we get a lot of laughs out of Joe having temper tantrum elbow!

Here's a video while Joseph was hurt, he was sitting still in my lap on the hammock and babbling away. Two things he rarely does.

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