Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks

This Thanksgiving was so different, but it ended up being just perfect for the season we are in.

We have three sets of parents and a sister between the two of us, and we weren't able to be with any of them for Thanksgiving since we have to stay put for baby's arrival. I was getting sad as it approached knowing we had no plans and was completely incapable of making a celebratory meal for our family.

My mom decided to completely blow me away and ordered us an entirely prepared meal from Whole Foods and then proceeded to have a sweet friend of ours, Kim, deliver it to us Thanksgiving morning and then stay the day! I've cried just thinking of what a blessing both of them were!

We had a big brunch with Kim full of cinnamon rolls, omelets, fruit and steel cut oats, watched a little of the parade for the first time as a family, and just hung out the whole day together. Well, we all hung out while Daddy worked on the flooring. Kim ended up heading over to another friend's home for dinner, but helped me get us all organized before she left.

My mom also sent us a gorgeous centerpiece for our table.

The kids made leaves and Kim and I wrote bible verses about being thankful on them and then Andy hid them all over. Once they found them all they brought them back and we read them together. Then we made a wreath to glue them all to.

I'm really struggling with discouragement. My pain is increasing by the day and the uncertainty of when I will actually have this baby just about puts me into a state of insanity. I could have her tonight, or in 23 days! So, having an entire day set aside to sit around as a family with one of our best friends to reflect on all that God has done, is doing, and promises he will do for us was just what was needed.

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