Saturday, March 1, 2008


Samuel got to see Joseph being born at 7:38pm, but he was in bed by 8pm, so he didn't get to see very much of him. Joseph was still in the pool with me being monitored when Samuel went to bed, so them really meeting was delayed until the next morning. Here are some pictures. Samuel was so excited that Joseph was now out of my belly and able to 'play.'

Samuel is doing an excellent job so far being a big brother. He wants to play with Joseph and isn't quite sure why he doesn't want to play too, but he's taking it all in stride. It will be no time when they'll be heading outside to play together. But for now, my babies are still babies, and I'm loving every second of it.

Samuel wanted to lay down right next to Joseph.

He gave him lots of kisses!

You can see how excited Joseph was about meeting his big brother!


Pam and Anders said...

Samuel is such a sweetheart!

Jennifer said...

So precious! I know they'll be thick as thieves! I pray your transition from 1 to 2 will be easy!

julie said...

Congratuations. I am so happy for you that you were able to a vbac homebirth. Such an amazing journey with an even greater reward. He is beautiful and Samual already seems like a great big brother.

The Kids

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