Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunshine and Red Lightning

As we pack for our move, we are noticting that there are many things we have that are just not necessary or practical to keep anymore. Our kayaks are two of those things. They have provided us with hours of entertainment, but our time with them needed to come to and end. I got these kayaks for us as a surprise for Andy when he came home from Iraq in 2005. We lived right on the water in NC and he had always wanted to take up kayaking. We used these things all the time. Andy would go out for a morning paddle quite a bit before work, and most weekends we took a spin in them. The last time we seriously used them was a camping trip where we paddled to an island and camped there a few nights. I was 7 months pregnant with Samuel. That was quite awhile ago. We've taken them for a spin a few times since then, but not more than 3 times I bet.

There is a Christian camp nearby that our kids from church go to and they have a gorgeous lake on the campus. We decided that we would donate them there so that those kids could enjoy them as much as we have. It was sad seeing them go, but we know that these kids will love them and they will be used way more than what we could ever imagine. Last Sunday we dropped them off at the camp. It was such a gorgeous day so we spent a lot of time just enjoying the campus.

Our paddling days are definitely not over. We are so excited for the boys to get a little older because we are planning on getting a canoe so we all can go out together. Then, hopefully in several years, we can get some kayaks again and start going as a family. Oh, the fun times we will have!

These pictures are from last Sunday when we dropped them off at the camp.


Jay and Jackie Parks said...

You look so beautiful, skinny and totally buff in the picture! :)

Jess said...

Cute new photos! We have homemade pizza planned each week too, but normally we make it together. I got the night off last night though :) Hope everything goes smoothing with your packing, we'll be praying for you guys!

DeniseR said...

What a wonderful idea to donate them to the camp!! I'm sure they will be enjoyed by kids for many, many summers. Maybe Devin will get to use one when he's there in July!

Pam and Anders said...

That is so wonderful! I'm sure the kids will love them!

The Kids

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