Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Day We've All Been Waiting For

It has finally arrived: July 17, 2007.

We find it fitting that this is our 50th post here on our blog. I will use today to blog about 50 things, oh yes, 50 things, all about our precious Samuel. He has accomplished quite a bit in his past 365 days of living outside of my belly!

His accomplishments in no particular order:

50. Managed to stay alive.
49. Learned how to sleep through the night.
48. Sucessfully transitioned from nursing to formula.
47. Sucessfully transitioned from formula to whole milk.
46. Stole our hearts.
45. Stole the hearts of everyone he's met.
44. Made us realize how important raising children is.
43. Made us realize how fun raising children is.
42. Taught us patience. (Okay, well, we're working on it)
41. Learned how to hold his head up.
40. Learned how to roll over from his tummy to his back and then from his back to his tummy.
39. Crawled backwards.
38. Crawled forwards.
37. Learned how to sit up.
36. Kept me from doing one single sewing project since he was born, besides his baby quilt.
35. Made me realized that quilting isn't as important as spending time with him is.
35. Made it out alive during the 39,080,293 hour labor.
34. Has flown to Colorado and back two times.
33. Has flown to Hilton Head Island, SC.
32. Has driven from NC to MD two times.
31. Made the entirely too long of a car trip from NC to IN.
30. Made us smile when we wanted to cry.
29. Learned that his pigger (his pacifier) is the single most important thing to him in the world.
28. Learned that his baba is the second.
27. Touched a snake.
26. Went on numberous hikes.
25. Went camping.
24. Has been in the ocean.
23. Has built a sand castle.
22. Has destroyed a sand castle.
23. Has been swimming in a pool.
22. Has stood in a moving stream.
21. Has made Grandma Bubb and Grandpa Jack great-grandparents for the first time.
20. Has made Mimi a great-grandmother for the 5th time.
19. Has made Nana, Gigi and Oma grandmas for the first time.
18. Has made Poppy, GranRan, and Papa Bear grandpas for the first time.
17. Has made Aunt Julie an aunt for the first time.
16. Has made BJ, Gamba and Lutalo big brothers to a human monster for the first time.
15. Climbed a tree with Dada Pig.
14. Ate poop. His poop.
13. Played baby Jesus in a Christmas play.
12. Learned how to climb stairs.
11. Learned how to climb down stairs.
10. Managed to turn our priorities inside out.
9. Taught us how to truly put others before ourselves.
8. Learned how to get into every single thing that Mama doesn't want him to.
7. Learned how to stand up.
6. Learned how to take up to 5 steps at a time.
5. Reminded us daily just by his presence how blessed we truly are.
4. Managed to only have one ear infection, and no trips to the ER.
3. Learned how to say Mama, Dada, Gamba, Baba and use them in context.
2. Has taken 6 teeth poking through his gums like a champ.
1. Has made us want to be more like Christ.

***I have lots more than 50 to write but I told you just 50, so I'm sticking to it! But, If you want to add something to the list that Samuel has accomplished in that last year, that I didn't add, just comment below!


Pam and Anders said...

Happy Birthday Samuel!! Cutest baby I know! Can't wait to meet him!

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

I'm just impressed that you sat down and wrote 50 things. That was awesome and encouraging to read. It reminded me of my kids first years.

Anonymous said...

Hope the little guy had a good 1st birthday!!!

The Kids

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