Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Andy Turns 27

It sure wasn't as glamorous as 16, 18, 21 or even 26! Let's face it people, he's getting old! We spent the night at a meeting about husbands during a homebirth. Not an ideal birthday celebration, that's for sure. We got home only to realize that the home made ice cream I made, DID NOT go as planned. So instead of some wonderfully yummy birthday ice cream, he had to have a 2 day old oatmeal cookie instead.

Samuel sure had a great day, though, despite the lack of celebrations. Andy's birthday streamers and balloons put Samuel into orbit! He was so excited he could hardly stand it. That was enough to make Andy's day, he said! Good thing they are both so easy to please :)

And here's a picture of Samuel wearing Andy's new hat. They are both in love with it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Happy Birthday, Andy! You're not old yet. My hubby, Matt is old! He turns 32 on Feb. 7th. He says you're only as old as you act!

The Kids

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