Thursday, January 17, 2008

From Baby to Boy

To our precious Samuel,

You are no longer a baby, but a boy. Growing bigger and bigger each day. You are 18 months old today. Where has the time gone? Just yesterday it seems as though we felt like we would break you if we held you too tight. Now, you run up to us and hug our necks and kiss us with those wet lips of yours makings an 'aww' sound with each kiss.

We have enjoyed every single day we've been blessed to be your parents. Each one brings us closer and closer. Your vocabulary is growing rapidly. We are starting to understand your speech and our communication is getting easier. Your humor and wit amaze us. You have so much personality. You have not only melted our hearts, but the heart of everyone who you meet.

We love you so much, son. Words cannot truly express the love we have for you. Thank you for teaching us how to be more like Christ. We pray daily that the Lord would continue to teach us how to raise you to love him. It is not easy raising you, and we will fail many times, but know that we love you more than words could express and we want nothing more but what the Lord has planned for your life.

Happy 18 months, Samuel!

Love Always,
Mommy and Daddy

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