Monday, January 21, 2008

Trying to Stay Warm

It's been quite cold here. Poor Samuel has a rash on his ever so sensitive face due to the cold weather! Now all we need is some snow!!! Since our apartment is heated by a wood stove we need to stay on top of it to ensure we are warm enough. It's tough sometimes, but Andy is doing a great job keeping on top of it and making sure we stay warm. And, that's not easy with a wife who's body temperature seems to change with the minute hand. We have never been so thankful for a warm home before now. It's amazing what we have taken for granted up until recently.

Andy got a head lamp from his parents for his birthday and it actually can adjust to fit Samuel. He loves this thing. It's so funny to see him running around with it on.

My mom's brother and one of her sisters were taking each of their boys to see Cedarville University in Ohio this weekend and to visit one of my cousins. Since they were going to be so close, we decided to meet up for lunch. We had a great time. It's always way too long between visits with my family since they all live in New York. But, when we do get together it's always a wonderful visit. Wish you were there mom! Uncle Steve and Samuel were the best of buddies. Uncle Steve let him sit on one of the horses in Applebee's. And, if you know anything about Samuel, he is obsessed with horses. I mean obsessed. It made his week!

And just a cute picture of Samuel with his adorable vest on from REI playing with one of Daddy's fighting sticks!

Andy is enjoying his day off by hiking with his buddy, Patrick, and I'm at home nursing a hurt ankle. Yup, that's right, a hurt ankle. I fell down the stairs on Saturday. Smooth huh? I'm totally fine, and so are Samuel and Joseph. (I was carrying Samuel). We were all so blessed to be kept so safe. It didn't even phase Samuel. He started vroom vrooming the second he saw the farm equipment downstairs. I didn't hurt anything but my leg and ankle and both are healing very quickly. Continued healing prayers are requested :)

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Amy, that spill must have been so scary! I'm so glad to hear that all three of you are fine! I'll be praying for a quick healing for your foot and ankle. Take care and stay warm!

The Kids

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