Friday, January 18, 2008

From One to Two...HELP!

I have heard that the transition from one kid to two is harder than from none to one or even from two to three and beyond.

I believe it.

The Lord says he will never give us more than we can handle. I have a feeling I'm probably going to be reminding him of that promise more than once over the next few years. There are times I wonder how in the world I'm going to survive two boys, 20 months apart. But, then reality hits. A trillion women have done this before me, I can do it too. But, it's not going to make it any easier if I don't know their secrets. So, I'm asking those of you who have at least two children to dish out your life saving tips. I want it all, the good and the bad.


Lora said...

All three of my little ones are 20 months apart, and it's not so bad! You CAN do it! The most tricky part in the beginning is occupying your toddler while you nurse the baby. Just make it a sweet time of reading a book, putting in a veggietales video, or go in a room that can be closed off and let samuel run around and play while you nurse. Also, the thing that helps me a lot is to get out by myself one or two times a week (even if its just to target or the grocery store). That alone time really helps me keep my sanity! You're going to do great, amy! God has given you these children, and He will give you all that you need to take care of them! I'll be praying for you, Lora

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

My first two boys are 22 months apart, my third (a girl) came 20 months later, and my last child (another boy) came 14 months later. I'm not sure which was harder (it's all a big blur). Definitely having 4 under 4 1/2 was the hardest. The one advice I give to others and to myself often is... "this is only a season." It will not be this hard forever. When your day seems horrible and falling apart it's hard not to think it will never be any different, but these years will go by quickly so enjoy every crazy moment. Also give yourself a break on having those perfect and planned quiet times. It has taken me 7 years and 4 kids to finally begin having regular quiet times again (and I was very disciplined and regular about it before). I beat myself up for a while and felt like God wouldn't bless me unless I could figure out how to "work" it in, but I finally gave myself a break and did what I could, and I listened to good speakers, memorized verses that spoke to my circumstances that day, listened to and sang alot with praise cd's, and prayed all throughout the day. These past 7 years have grown me more than the 7 years previous when I was able to have regular quiet times.

You're right when you say God will give you everything you need, and you will be able to encourage another down the road with how He grows you.

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

The first 6 months are the hardest because the older child is use to having all of your attention and doesn't understand why you can't play with them all the time. Judah had a hard time w/ me nursing and anything to do with us and Rebekah. When she was able to sit up (6 months) was when he fell in love with her b/c then he had a playmate who was better than mommy. Now they are best friends and nothing separates them even time outs. Judah and Rebekah are 24 months apart.

The Amazing Trips said...

My first three are three minutes apart and my fourth is 32-months younger than the first three.

Here's my advice, for what it's worth. Take it one day at a time. Use a baby bjorn and invest in a good double stroller. Take long walks and eat lots of ice cream. You can do anything that you set your mind to.

You are in for an amazing experience once Joseph arrives and you get front-row seats to see the bond develop between your two children. Watching the way our triplets have interacted with their baby brother has been the most awesome experience of my life.

I'm excited for you! :)

The Kids

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