Monday, September 17, 2007


Andy's mom just emailed me asking me for the update on my last doctor's appointment. I totally forgot to share the good news with everyone!!! (Thanks for reminding me Robbie. Sorry for just posting your response to the blog, but I knew I'd have to retype it all over again).

So, here's the deal. I met my doctor on Friday who will deliver Baby Pig. Let me just tell you how wonderful she is! First off I loved the nurse as well and we started chatting for quite some time before the doctor came in. I told her my concerns and what my story is. She confidently assured me that she is 100% behind me if I wanted to try and deliver Baby Pig naturally. As an aside note: THIS IS THE FIRST DOCTOR I HAVE FOUND THAT SAID THEY WILL SUPPORT ME IN LETTING ME HAVE A NATURAL DELIVERY! I was so thrilled. Most doctors have just spouted off their "opinion" and not asked me specific questions about my delivery. Basically, they all thought it was more of a risk to try for a natural delivery than it was to have a c-section over again. The other doctors said the risk of rupture was worth considering, but always made it out to be much higher than it really is. She disagreed.

She said they would definitely not let me go over my due date, March 9, since I did have a c-section with Samuel. She gave me a lot of reading material and the statistics were overwhelming on my side.

The success rate for VBAC's is nearly 75% for those women whose sole indication for their previous cesarean section was "failure to progress."

Risk of rupture with a transverse uterine incision is minimal (less than 1%) and, currently it is the only type of incision for which a trial of labor is recommended.
I have a transverse uterine incision! Woohoo!

I could not have asked for a better doctor. As it was I was going to be having him in a small hospital with few doctors to choose from. I had gotten a few recommendations for her but did not know what her take on VBAC's* were.

This is a huge answer to prayer. For those of you that have been praying for this situation, I thank you. The Lord has answered our prayers.

Just because she is going to let me try and labor on my own does not mean things are going to go smoothly. I am well aware of that. But, just having the opportunity to give it another shot is huge for us.

*VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Cesarean


Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

WOW so sorry that you've had a hard time finding a doctor that agrees with you. I'm glad you kept pressing to find what's best for you and your family. I did and it paid off. I was much happier with my second delivery than first.

Pam and Anders said...

I'm glad to hear that! You want to trust your doctor and feel comfortable with the process. And it makes me feel better that you'll be safe! :)

Pam and Anders said...

A woman at my work just told me that she had two successful vaginal births after her first was a cesarean!

Abbi said...

That is cool that you found a nice new docter! I haven't ever had a c-section, but if I had I would want to try for a VBAC as well as I think natural birth is so nice! A friend of mine had her first baby by c-section and then has had 5 more vaginally. The first 4 kids were all born in the hospital and then the hospitals where she is changed their policies and wouldn't allow VBACs anymore (even though she had had 3 successfully) so she had the last 2 at home. All went well for her.

The Kids

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