Sunday, September 30, 2007

Do I Live Like I Believe It?

I have been so encouraged by the strength of others. Many of you have followed along side me the journey the Leino's took with their precious gift Issac. I have been lead to another story of a family who just lost their precious baby girl just a few short days ago.

The death of infants is all around me. It's a scary place to be because I myself could be one of "those stories." I carry a soul within me that is not my own. I do not know what the future holds for our precious Joseph. Only the Lord has his days numbered and knows what they will consist of. But, what I am certain of is that I have been shown a faith that is unchanging even in the face of one of the worst possible situations on earth. I have been challenged by their trust in God and that He has their best interest in mind. He is watching out for them. He is also willing to carry us along if we find ourselves headed down that path too. I believe my faith is that strong, but my faith has not been tested like theirs has. I pray that I never have to experience such pain, but I am confident that if I am called to such a thing, I have access to the best comforter of all!

But, in a way I am jealous that they have truly experienced such a deep and intimate relationship with Christ where He was their ALL! He was the ONE THING that never failed them. I have experienced that in my life, no doubt, but on that level, no way. I crave that deep reliance on Christ where my every move beckons His guidance. I believe God wants us to have that sort of reliance on Him. It's not because we aren't intelligent and can't make decisions on our own. It's because He is our creator and He knows what we need before we even realize that we need it. What an amazing concept. I am so glad I don't have to have all the answers.

You cannot read a single post the Leino's or the Farley's have written and not feel that they are being carried along by God every step of the way during such a stormy time.

The faith of these two young couples has encouraged literally thousands of lives around this world. I am just one of those stories. These two precious souls were created and lived on this earth for only a short time, but their lives impacted thousands. More than mine probably ever will even if I die tomorrow. Their lives had meaning! I am reminded by these two stories how short our lives truly are. Whether or not we make it to walking, driving, marriage, children, retirement, whatever...

What is the meaning of it all? Why are we here?

The Farley's put it so well in this post where they finished up a letter to their daughter who has not been absent from this earth for even a week!

We will honor the way you have changed us and the thousands of people worldwide who came to know your story by choosing each day a life that looks differently, a life that says, “Thank You, Jesus, for reminding us that heaven is real… You are real…and it’s time we learned to live like we believe it.”


Jennifer said...

Hi! I found your blog through Gina Witcher's blog. She and I attend the same church. I've been reading for a few weeks now and this particular post really touched me. I, too know Isaac's family and also have a friend whose 10 month old is in the NICU and has spent the majority of his life there. I was experiencing that same jealousy over the enriched relationship with Jesus Christ that they gained. If you don't mind, can I copy some of your blog for my family's blog? I just think it needs to be shared. Thanks!

Patience Leino said...

Amy, you are a tremendous encouragement to so many! Thank you for honoring Isaac's life in such a heartfelt way & for your friendship through this journey. Jordan & I are praying for you & little Joseph as he grows each day. What a handsome boy he will be!

Anonymous said...

A. W. Tozer wrote, "Those who have endured the stinging experiences are the choicest people God can use. Who God would use greatly, He will first hurt deeply."

It is a truth that somehow in suffering we forge a deeper fellowship with Jesus. I suppose our suffering causes us to cling more tightly to Him. Thanks for sharing the story of Issac.

The Amazing Trips said...

Jim Kelley's comment above is profound. It is so humbling that we have our health - and so frightening that it could be taken away.

I read the stories of families that have lost children and I cannot fathom the depth of their sadness. Yet, I am so greatly inspired by their faith. Would I have such courage and conviction if I lost a child? Or would I fall to pieces and ask "Why ME?!" I fear I would do the latter - although I hope and pray that I never find out.

Thanks for the link to the Leino family website. I went and read the story of their beautiful baby, Isaac tonight. They have been added to my prayer list.

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