Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mostly Samonster And A Little Mama

I thought I would share a few photos and stories today to keep you all informed on our happenings. Samuel is up to his usual boy adventures. Just last night we went on a family hike. Andy was responsible for getting Samuel ready as I was getting dinner in the oven. Both of them stood there waiting at the door, Andy with no shoes or shirt and Samuel had no shoes. At least he had a shirt on I thought! My favorite comment is "He's your kid too!" If Andy wants to make that call, then I'll let him. I'm not the only decision maker in the house. I was the one who told him to get ready, wasn't I? Well, of course Samuel walked the entire trail with no shoes on and didn't miss a beat! He loved it. A boy after his own Dada's heart. They truly are two peas in a pod! Wish I had photos. It was a cute sight to be seen.

Other Samonster updates:

He's decided he doesn't like wearing diapers. He takes his diaper off frequently! Since it's been a lot warmer in our house lately because of the warmer temperatures outside I haven't made him wear any clothes. This only makes him have easier access. So much to his shagrin he's having to wear clothes now so he doesn't have easy access to being a naked monster! He's not happy about that. If only he can figure out how to unsnap those snaps!

He's discovered foods that he can put his finger into and then put them in his mouth. We discovered this for the first time at Nana's with Cheerios. These currently are his favorite pastas since he can do this with.

I've had to make a homeschooling adjustment. NO MORE COLORING! He is obviously too young to realize the concept of not eating his crayons. It's rediculously funny to see his teeth bright blue. But, it's not funny that we've gone through a whole set of 8 crayons in less than week! I give up. Until later, it's off the list.

Samuel had his first cookie making experience. He got to lick the batter off the mixer. He of course found it to be more fun to beat the mixer on his tray. Figures. This is a kid who likes peas more that anything sweet!

After his first cookie. He's showing me he's all done!

And here he is with his peas, happier than a clam!

And I couldn't have an update without sharing my first belly picture. I apologize for it actually being extremely hard to see the exact size of my belly. But, just take my word, it's big! This isn't even a maternity dress! WHAT?! I know, that's what I said! My mom practically bought out Old Navy for me, and 90% of the stuff wasn't even maternity. What's the deal with the enormous tops these days. If I wasn't pregnant, I would be quite angry at the latest fashion trends. But, since I am, I am well pleased. Stay tuned, I have MANY more adorable outfits to share in the months ahead. Thanks to my Mama, a fashion disater has been adverted for many months!

And I had to share that I finally finished another baby quilt. Even though this one was started oh, about a YEAR AGO. It was a group project. One person was given a certain group of fabrics and told to make a 9 inch square then it was passed to someone else and they added on 9 more inches around that square, and then to someone else, and then back to me to finish. Well, here is our attempts at making a group of random fabrics look attractive. It's fun to have games like this during our quilting guild. It spices up life. Basically it's a great way to get rid of a ton of scrapes too! I'm currently working on a baby girl quilt and I will send them off to my old church in NC so they can then donate them to babies in a local hospital around there. I sure miss my group of girls that I quilted with, but I still love quilting!


Anonymous said...

I love the crayon teeth. Reminds me of my days of teaching special needs preschoolers! I agree with you regarding the fashion trends. I just bought two tops, not maternity, but plenty big for my growing belly!

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

I love to hear you stories about quilting and canning. I wish I could do that sort of thing, but I don't sit still well or do small tediuos things well. I wish I did. I have actually tried them, but it literally stresses me out. My shoulders get really tight and my back starts to hurt from the tension... Oh well, I guess God gives all of us different talents, and I'll just keep spending my free time running and chasing literally my 4 kids.

Pam and Anders said...

I know what you mean about the clothes! My favorites are not maternity, minus the pants, but all the dresses and tops are in the regular sections. Works out nicely for me, but wow it would be hard to shop normally. (Target's the same way as Old Navy.)

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

You look so beautiful pregnant. I hope that we keep seeing the belly pictures in the upcoming months. We just went camping w/ our 2 kids overnight in a tent and they LOVED it. I'll put up pictures soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey amy,
the quilt looks great. You did a great job. miss you.

The Kids

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