Thursday, April 15, 2010


Both Samuel and Joseph have been saying the most hilarious/adorable things lately.

First, Joseph's vocabulary has gotten just too much. It's so cute. He now uses the word frustrated all the time. He either tells us how he's frustrated or is asking others if they are frustated. A few weeks ago it was 'rustrated' but now it's normal.

Some of his other words that I love to hear are:
be-pause : because
praw-bee-bee : probably
delicious, which he actually says correctly, but it's so cute coming from a 2 year old.

Andy was holding the boys on his lap and commented to me: "look at these people, where did they come from?" Joseph quickly responded "From mommy. From mommy's tummy. We popped out!"

Recently the boys have become obessed with our wedding rings. They want to see them all the time. Samuel said the other day: "Daddy has ring because he's pregnant to mommy!"

Sitting at the dinner table Samuel says: "Joe Joe, you are the cutest fellow I have never seen." Then Joseph says very forcefully: "NO, I am not a fellow I am a BOY!" Then Samuel responds: "NO, you are a fellow!" And then they continued back and forth for about 10 rotations until we changed the subject.

Another night at the dinner table Joseph says: "Ahh, it's too hot for babies. You blown on it?" Andy and I just crack up laughing. Then Joseph realizes that we're laughing starts cracking up too. Slamming his hand down on the table says: "It's so funny I say that word!"

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