Thursday, April 8, 2010

Thankful Thursday

1. Our A/C is working! It was 95 degrees here and broken. Ugg.
2. We are one more week closer to Annabelle arriving :)
3. Andy made me some shelves in our kitchen. They are so helpful for storage.
4. We got the paint for Annabelle's room and we'll be painting it this month.
5. My grandparents stopped in for a day on their way home to New York. It was so wonderful to see them.
6. Our 6 year anniversary is this Saturday and we're going to be going away.
7. These guys:


Penny Lane said...

Amy, this picture is absolutely hilarious. Joseph looks older than Andy in this picture! What an adorable little man!

Amy said...

I know! :) Isn't it amazing how differently their built? Joe's build just cracks me up! He's such a tubby!

Lora said...

that picture of joseph is laugh out loud funny! what a cutie!!

The Kids

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