Thursday, June 3, 2010

In a Pickle

I'm in a pickle... NO, I did not say I'm craving a pickle, I'm just in one!

Andy had to take Sam to the ER because he fell out of his big boy bed and we think he broke his collar bone. So I'm sitting here heart racing worrying about my little Samoo... wanting to just get up and do a bunch of things to keep my mind off of my hurt little boy, but also finding myself contracting like crazy when I'm on my feet.

Yesterday we went blueberry picking and I got several things done around the house only to find my evening in utter misery wondering if this was it.

As you can clearly see, it was not.

I learned my lesson with Samuel's birth that as much as I try, I simply cannot make this baby come out any earlier than she and I am ready. With Samuel, I went on about 4 walks a day and even several runs, but nothing worked... the only thing those got me were horrible contractions, but did not actually put me into labor. So, I've resolved to not try and make this baby come out, but just simply let her come out.

I've realized that even though I wasn't even trying to get her to come, just by doing too much made my body miserable. Now, I've learned to just sit and be at peace with it. But, that is not at all easy for me. I hate to sit, especially being forced to sit while nesting is quite torture.

Well, I've found a way to do both. I research my next nesting type thing while sitting. Creative, I know! Let's see how long this lasts...

Since the boys moved into their new room awhile ago I've been brainstorming ideas of how to decorate it. This is my inspiration:

Image courtesy of Cluck. Cluck. Sew.

I've already got the letters and spray painted them blue, but I was looking for a way to do the garland and not have them two sided like in this picture.

Browsing through my favorite craft site, ,I found a great solution... and it involves sewing on paper, which is something I love to do.

Images courtesy of wrenhandmade

So excited to try it out...while sitting of course.

Please pray I don't go crazy sitting/resting while I wait for labor to start. At least after Annabelle comes I'll have an adorable little sweetheart to stare at while I sit. And also pray for our sweet Samuel that he will be healed quickly of whatever they say is wrong.


Meg said...

Oh Sam! Didn't you get the memo that there wasn't a hospital visit on the calendar for this month? Hope he heals up quickly!

Penny Lane said...

Goodness! Was that monkey jumping on the bed? I love your crafts. I wish so much that Keely and I could sew better. I long to make so many crafts for our home.

Blessings, Penny

The Kids

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