Thursday, June 10, 2010

Per Midwives' Orders

I had an appointment with my midwife today and her orders were: to create!

She wanted me to just focus on doing some fun things that I love to do, enjoy my family, and get my mind off of all the tasks that I could be doing and off of the calendar especially.

It wasn't too hard of an assignment for me, so I took her up on it. Part of nap time I decorated a shirt that I had bought a long time ago before we even knew if it was a boy or a girl. They were cheap and I thought I could spruce them up.

Here's my first attempt:

It matches her crown:

My goal for the remainder of this pregnancy is to cherish each moment and to not wish this time away, to fill it with joy and not just accomplishing tasks!

I can honestly say, that we have had such a fantastic day today. We haven't been waiting on Annabelle to arrive, but simply living and enjoying life! The Lord has shown me through several things just today that he is working everything out in his timing... and I'm beginning to believe him.

And when Andy and the boys head out for a hike tonight I'm going to work on my next quilt for Uganda!

And for my crafting friends...I found this adorable book that I'm lusting after:

With two ideas in there I cannot wait to try:


Kim said...

Okay, I am FINALLY leaving a comment because it's quick! I am waiting to be done with school so that I can get to work creating some things for my sister's wedding. Perhaps our creating will overlap! Tomorrow is my last day- yea! Anyway, for cute idea number one (onesie with lace), I think I may have some lace options for you from the slew I have for the wedding stuff. Let me know if you need to have a look soon! Hang in there friend- 'waiting' makes me think of Romans 8:18-25. All of our waiting is merely a reflection of the ULTIMATE waiting.
Love You!

Lora said...

praying for you during this waiting season. i can totally relate because my last two babies have been very overdue past my due date. joseph was 14 days late! but you know what, my labor with him was incredibly easy and short and almost pain free(with the exception of 30 minutes). so, it was all worth it! and most of all, the Lord really used those waiting periods to speak to my heart and encourage me and show me (and my hubby) some things about that baby coming that were invaluable!!

Amy said...

Kim - thank you for those verses. They are perfect!!! Yes, I would love to see your lace collection. I don't have any that I'm in love with out of mine. Yay, one more day left.. how awesome is that?!?

Lora - I know who to call when Annabelle is late :) Wow, I would love to hear what God taught you during that season of waiting!

The Kids

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