Sunday, September 14, 2008

Back to Bushu

I seriously don't know how I've never introduced 'Bushu' to our blog, but I did a quick search in our archives and can't find it mentioned anywhere. A quick recap of 'Bushu.'

As I was trying to organize our days better at home, I made a type of play schedule for Samuel. I wanted to start giving him some more structure so that we had something to go off of when Joseph was born. So WHEN all chaos broke loose, we would have something to fall back on.

When we were driving into town one night I was telling Andy about my idea. We wanted it to be a sort of homeschooling program for him so we could all try and take it seriously in an effort to stick to it. Andy thought would should make up a name for our school, since all real schools have names. We asked Samuel what he wanted to call his school and he said 'Bushu.' We were laughing so hard, because as a tiny thing, he hardly ever answered us when we asked him questions, but this time he answered us quickly and with such confidence, we could not argue with the kid. He knew what he wanted!

So, that's what we call school around here... Bushu.

Well, I've been quite a frazzled mommy lately and I've tried desperately to get my act together for the past 2 weeks, but haven't had much luck. Gone are the days of summer, and now it's really Bushu time. So, tomorrow morning starts our schedule!

We'll let you all know how it goes. And for the grandparents, we'll make sure and take a picture of our first day of Bushu :)

It's pronounced: Boo-SHOE


Jennifer said...

I remember you talking about Bushu a long time ago. How exciting for you to get back into it! I simply LOVE's the preschool teacher in me. Have a great time with your boys!

Amy said...

Oh really? So I did write about it. I just can't find where. Thanks for remembering, because I thought I was going crazy :)

Ya know, you would be a GREAT person to pick your brain about kids schedules. Do you have resources that are age appropriate for toddlers?

Jennifer said...

shoot me an email at my google account and we'll chat!! :)

Jennifer said...

I promise I working on an email to you. Been busy around here and I want to devote some time to it!

The Kids

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