Friday, August 3, 2007

Quite possible the answer to my workout dilemma.

I think I've got it this time.

I have a very hard time motivating myself to work out. I'm always trying out different ways to motivate myself and they never work. I think I've got it this time.

I have a monthly craft budget where I am allowed a certain amount each month to spend towards crafts. Well, I've decided I don't deserve it anymore... Not unless... I work for it! Each time I work out I get to put a $1 towards the pot. If I don't work out, I don't get a craft allowance. And, I'm gonna need some money in there soon for some crafts I NEED to do! Emphasis on the NEED!

This was how the conversation went:

Me: I've got my workout motivator!

Andy: What is it sweetie?

Me: Every time I work out, I get to add $1 to my craft allowance.

Andy: That sounds like a great idea, but who is the one who decides what a workout consists of?

Me: I do!

Andy: Well, we'll have to talk about that...
So far in August I have 3 dollars.

Andy made me help him carry a very heavy picnic table about 200 yards: $1.
I did 40 minutes of my pilates video: $1.
He made me carry this heavy picnic table back: $1.

He already doesn't agree with the total!

Haha, I suppose we'll have to make some "rules" about this new plan. Any suggestions?


Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

Amy, just thought I would let you know if you have not read the Leino blog yet... Isaac passed away tonight (Sunday)...

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

You are hilarious and sound like me and my husband. Came to you through Isaac's blog but see we have mutual blogger friends. I'm not a blogger. I just post pix of kids for family that lives far away. I'm definitely coming back here for more laughs.

The Kids

Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers