Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Week in Review

All things aside, if Samuel could eat watermelon for every meal his life would be ideal!

Lots of random facts... beware.

Life has been flying at an unbelievably fast rate. With that brings a running child. Yes, Samuel has moved from toddling to confidently walking. It's amazing how quickly that transition takes place. It seems like once we got pregnant Samuel went from a baby to a toddler overnight.

We've been playing catch up this week. I've had a bunch of things I've needed to get done but just haven't made the time for until this week. It wasn't fun. Nothing to blog about. But, most of them are done, so life can continue on with it's fun self.

With so much stuff to do it forced me to freeze all my tomatoes. I've been told it's fine though because what I'm going to be doing with them makes no difference whether they were frozen or not. I wanted to just go straight to canning, but this detour sure was much easier.

We went on a hike after church on Sunday and had a great time. It was the first hike in awhile. Samuel actually stayed awake the whole time. He's making progress.

We leave tomorrow afternoon for Baltimore. We are going to visit Andy's mom and step dad. While we are there Andy and I are going away for a night to celebrate my birthday. We are going to the Morrison House in Old Town Alexandria, VA where we stayed for a night on our honeymoon. I am so excited to be going back there. This will be the first night I'll be away from Samuel. Andy and I am in need of this one-on-one time. But, we're also glad it will only be for a night. Not sure I could be away from the Samonster for longer. Now, when he gets to this terrible two's phase, I'll probably be singing a different tune. But, until then, I'm loving most each and every moment with him.

Yes, Tuesday, September 4th is my birthday. Believe me, I was not going to skim over that! I am turning 25. In the 7 years since Andy and I have been together I have not spent one birthday with him. While we have been married he's been in Iraq for one of them and down in LA and MS with Hurricane Katrina relief for the other. We call Samuel a Hurricane Katrina baby, since he was conceived shortly after Andy returned home.

Anyways, I'm big on birthdays. Especially my own. I even celebrate my half birthday, which is March 4. I get my feelings hurt when Andy forgets. Baby Pig is due somewhere around the 8th, but I would be the happiest mommy around if she was born on my half birthday. That would be great!

Andy has been working on my birthday present for awhile now in his 'shop.' I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what it is. I hear lots of loud tools, which is totally rare for him since he's a no power tools kinda guy! I think he wanted this to be more accurate and not take so much time. We'll see. I asked if I could open it while we were away together, and he said he would consider it. Yay.

Oh, and I'm getting a big round belly (already). That's to be expected, I suppose.


Pam and Anders said...

She?? You didn't find out the sex yet, did you?

25's a biggie, have fun on your night off! :)

Amy said...

No, we just always call it a she because it's a mini me, and I'm a girl :)

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

Okay so what did you get for your birthday? Did I miss that somewhere?

Paul & Angela Jenkins said...

Never mind just looked at the calendar and saw it wasn't Sept 4th yet. BTW I've never canned tomatoes b/c freezing is so much easier. Which way will you stay with?

The Kids

Lilypie Maternity tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers