Thursday, August 30, 2007

Strange Arm Movements

Samuel has been doing strange thing with his right arm. It's quite hilarious.

He mostly does it in his carseat and his highchair. We have no idea what he's trying to imitate. He does it a lot when I'm singing, perhaps it's his way of dancing... Sometimes he is pointing at something while he does it to. Or, it could just be his way of "extreme pointing." Anyway you look at it, it's adorable.

Just another reason to kiss him all over.

Can anyone view this video?


Pam and Anders said...

It works! That's hilarious!

Gina Witcher / Runnermom4 said...

How sweet! Videos are so much better than just photos. And by the way, it was so good to sort of meet you in person and give you a hug. I wish we could have hung out some, but the circumstance didn't really allow that. Jordan and Patience seem to be doing really well. I spoke to her last week... she is amazing.

The Kids

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